
The key to enhanced and vibrant health is restoring and maintaining your inner ecosystem. And key to creating that healthy inner ecosystem is promoting your intestinal microflora, the organisms that help your body defend against disease-causing bacteria, viruses, yeast and other dangerous invaders.

By far, one of the most beneficial “edible tools” to promote this intestinal microflora are:

Cultured vegetables
Young coconut kefir (CocoBiotic)

Joe and I used to make young coconut kefir, buying the coconuts at Fiesta, drilling holes, using several electric tools to cut and open the coconuts to get the milk. Only to find discrepancy between the quality of each batch resulting in lots of wasted matter, time and money.

CocoBitoci is a premier beverage in the Body Ecology probiotic line, it combines the best of both worlds. A naturally-fermented drink made from wild-crafted, young green coconuts… plus a savvy blend of synergistic probiotics.

Best of all, you can enjoy this fresh and delicious beverage anytime, anywhere… and without any work! Coco-Biotic is also great for travel. Its ready to go when you are.

Light and refreshing, this sensational probiotic beverage has been getting rave advance reviews from attendees at trade shows.

Benefits include:

  • Improved Digestion
  • Reduced Sugar Cravings
  • Greatly Increased Energy
  • Improved Liver Cleansing