Kidney Cleanse

We are beginning a 3 Day Kidney cleanse Monday (July 20, 2014) you are welcome to join us.

Here’s what you need:

3 days + 3 gallons of pressed apple juice = kidney cleanse

Years ago, in chronic pain symptoms of passing a kidney stone, Dr. Lisa Acocella encouraged me to begin a kidney cleanse instead of opting for the emergency room. It worked! In the process I discovered how cleansing helps me reset my button and enhance my power to make choices that serve me and my body well.

This time of year (vacations, ice cream, parties, chilled beverages…) I easily tumble into eating habits that create havoc on my well being. As a recovering sugar-holic I find this kidney cleanse helps me find the power to make choices that help me and my body be happy.

Within 3 days I receive clarity of mind, emotional balance and a strong desire to only eat healthy food - and I feel GREAT. It is also a spiritual act/gesture of surrender.

The recipe is very simple:
3 days + 3 gallons of pressed apple juice = kidney cleanse.

Buy the cloudy like pressed apple juice from HEB or Whole Foods.
Drink 8oz of juice on the hour every hour for 3 days.
Don’t eat any food.
When possible don’t drink water.
Minimize activities: optimize cleanse for body mind emotion and spirit.
Maximize the cleanse: rest, journal(I LOVE clearing out my closets etc.)
Book a colonic for day 4 (the day after the cleanse).
The sugar in the apple juice gives me the energy to function.
The fluid of the apple juice helps me stay hydrated.
The acid in the apple juice makes the kidneys work and actually push out any kidney stones if they are there***

At the end of this 3 day cleanse the body is primed and ready for a gallbladder cleanse - that’s definitely the next level - let me know when you are ready and curious for this LOL

The first few hours challenge my will power.
After that I slip into a wonderful place of suspension where I no longer feel desperate for food!

Every time is different, and each person is unique and therefore responds differently on the cleanse.

Set yourself up for success.
Don’t do this alone.
Seek support.

Let me know if you’d like to journey on a cleanse with me.
A couple of times I’ve “buddied” up with someone
i.e. we go through the 3 days together and support each other
If you’d like to dive in please post a comment here or email direct.

*** may be over sharing here… out of curiosity the first time I did this cleanse I urinated through a sieve. I witnesses tiny glass like looking sand that apparently was my kidney stone (s) having been broken down and able to be passed without pain.