Support for Nia Black Belt Teacher Mary Linn

Nia Black Belt teacher Mary Linn Bergstrom’s 6-year-old daughter, Chloe was killed in a car accident on the night of December 22, 2014. This is an inconceivable loss, please help pull a net of love close around Mary Linn.

Mary Linn is an artist with a small income. Above all, please know your love and care in all forms make a difference. And in honor of Chloe and Mary Linn be an agent of love and peace in your own family and community. Click if you’d like to make a donations to help pay for the funeral, health care expenses and loss of work during this time.

Thanks to Susan McCulley and Anne Wolf for helping the community locally and globally gather around in support.

Visit the following FaceBook page for connection and more information:
Invisible Net of Love for Mary Linn Face Book Page

Mary Linn & Chloe
You were a precious gift, our joy, our dreams
You were a sparkle through the darkness;
Our hope for a brighter tomorrow
You warmed our hearts, gave light to our minds and beauty to our spirits.
We gave you our love, wrapped you in our care, caressed you with our smiles.
Now you are gone.
We grieve.
We miss you so much.
The loving memories of you will keep you forever close to us—in our hearts, our thoughts, our souls.
~ author unknown (offered by Sara Marks)