Congratulations Nia Blue Belts


Congratulations Nia Blue Belt graduate, and thank you Maria, Rachel, Cambrey, Jen and Pk for accompanying us. I deeply appreciate how, even when we have only one participant registered for a course, Joe and I choose (and are able) to provide the Nia training experience.


Soma Ranch continues to blossom as a training facility for Nia courses and, beyond this, truly flourishes a healing center. A place where folks come to learn, connect and receive healing on many levels (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and uniquely).

In the Blue belt we build from the foundation of the Nia White Belt, focusing on Communication, Relationship and Intimacy. The course includes in depth reflection on truth telling and the power of clear transmission and pure receiving.


Some quotes received from Jim’s Daily Awakenings are beautifully aligned with the spirit of the Nia Blue Belt communication. We hope they bring a smile to your face and hopefully a little wisdom to digest.

"For every path you choose, there is another you must abandon, usually forever." John D. Vince

“If we were all on trial for our thoughts, we would all be hanged.” Margaret Atwood

"Every time you open your mouth, you let (folks) look into your mind." Bruce Barton

“Never confuse movement with action.” Ernest Hemingway

“Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” Andre Gide