Treats for feeling Happy and Healthy with Age

I popped over to the UK for 3 days. My 80 year young dad was going in for a small procedure that required general anesthetic. I’m really glad I went, in fact I’m close to over the moon about it!

I love when choices and decisions feel this great. There’s no where else in the world I’d rather have been this last weekend. I love how I feel I have the best parents imaginable. Dad is recovering spectacularly. Here’s what my parents did minutes before my dad headed for surgery. I’m inspired, and feel extremely blessed, to witness how my parents age so happy and healthy.

My parents attend yoga on a weekly basis, walk daily, eat healthy, book fun activities and travel often. They align with the centurion project: successful 100 year old people, have 2 things in common.

  1. live fully in the present

  2. book things to look forward to

Practicing yoga and meditation and enjoying programs like Ageless Grace and Nia Technique are extremely beneficial for feeling happy and healthy.

This short documentary of Life Lessons from 100 Year Olds, is inspirational. We can benefit from listening to and learn much from folks who show, through example, how to live long, happy and healthy lives.