Who goes to Dubai for the weekend?

With a giggle, a dear friend left me a voice mail “who goes to Dubai for the weekend, Helen Terry!”. The message brought a big smile to my face. I truly adore my “job” and fortunately (as it’s a big requirement of my occupation) I LOVE to travel!


I spent last weekend in Dubai. Yes! I travelled 27 hours each way and enjoyed 2 days 2 nights in Dubai. I left Thursday evening and was home by Monday afternoon. While visiting Manal (long time Nia client, now more of a friend) I enjoyed fabulous sunshine, beach and COFFEE!! I shared an Ageless Grace certification and also re connected and danced with the local Nia community at the wonderful “just Be” yoga studio.

Nia technique is very much my focus and main occupation, AND I thoroughly enjoy sharing Ageless Grace as a supplementary, complimentary program. Ageless Grace is a wonderful program for body and brain. The simple 10 minutes a day practice has helped me (particularly my memory!) and many of my clients and students. It’s also been great for my Nia business, as curiously offering the Ageless Grace course attracts folks to Nia! I call this kind of alliance “cross pollination”, where beautiful friendships blossom.

The Ageless Grace program is created by Denise Medved, fabulous fellow Nia teacher and former Nia trainer.

Through Ageless Grace Seminars and Certifications:

  1. I help people exercise their body, brain and sense of humor muscle!

  2. Help care providers help themselves AND those they care for.

  3. Help folks stay vibrant as they age.

  4. Help students focus and relieve stress

  5. I meet fabulous educators who often have never heard of Nia, who go on to take Nia classes, if not invest in the Nia White Belt training!

  6. I witness Nia teachers who have been challenged to learn Nia routines, discover how to joyfully be more relaxed and spontaneous in their teaching and classes.

For more information about Nia visit www.nianow.com

For more information about Ageless Grace visit www.agelessgrace.com.

Here’s Denise on TedX sharing about what is the greatest health concern as folks age: Loosing brain function. Recent research shows changing your aging brain can be as simple as child’s play!

Denise Medved suggests that maintaining healthy neural pathways can be as simple as child's play. The internationally-known fitness entrepreneur challenges you to change your brain through fun, creative, physical movement, no matter what your age.