Dance for peace

I believe dance is a way of praying. In Nia we refer to moving to the music as “dance writing”. For me I’m writing prayers with my body, mind, heart and soul when I dance/teach Nia. I also believe in the power of prayer and the power of people coming together to pray.

Today, when I taught a Nia class for peace, I was praying for peace with my whole being and invited our beautiful class/community ONLINE to dance/pray together. The Class focus was to relax our over thinking mind, to connect with heart, with the intent to find peace.

The music, "Medicine Woman 1” by Medwyn Goodall, was choosen for it's healing qualities. By being instrumental, with the absence of lyrics, the music gave more space for each person in class to find their own meaning, their own way to peace. Wanting to honor the unique religious and belief systems in our class experience, I let folks know at the beginning of class that, at the end, after we had stepped out of the "official" online class, I'd be sharing a prayer that they were welcome to stay for if they liked. I let folks know in advance this prayer is from a man of Christian faith, (Jim's Daily Awakenings) and encouraged each person adapt/translate according to their own faith/beliefs. (I'll include the prayer below)

I'd love to know if you're a wellness teacher....

  • what do you choose as a focus?

  • what music are you using?

  • how do you adapt your class, to honor the needs of your class, whilst not ignoring what's happening in the world?

Helen Terry

ONLINE classes with 24HR replay available upon request.

a Prayer from Jim's Daily Awakenings

I trust, if you have an alternative point of view/religious belief, you can adapt/translate into a language that speaks the best truth and desire for you. Together we boldly pray for an end to the war in Ukraine. Soften the hearts of the leaders on each side of the conflict. Restrain their egos and ambitions. Help them see that those they are encouraged to think of as enemies are actually their sisters and brothers. Hold in check a spirit of murder and replace it with a spirit of love.

A Prayer for Peace


we come to you in helplessness. You alone can comprehend the complexities of our international situation. You alone understand the motives and mindset of the leaders of the world. You alone can restrain the world’s leaders so that the devastation happening in Ukraine does not escalate into World War III.

O Lord, we cry out to you to intervene. We boldly pray for an end to the war in Ukraine. Soften the hearts of the leaders on each side of the conflict. Restrain their egos and ambitions. Help them see that those they are encouraged to think of as enemies are actually their sisters and brothers. Hold in check a spirit of murder and replace it with a spirit of love.

We intercede for the victims of this war, those whose dreams, homes, and lives are being destroyed. Give healing to the wounded and comfort to the displaced. Receive into your embrace the dead and dying. Give them the peace denied them in this life.

Lord, we boldly ask for some unforeseen good to come out of this military crisis. May we come to see more clearly the insanity, futility, and horror of war. May the time be hastened when the prophesy of Isaiah will be fulfilled: “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”

Lord, make this hope more than privatized sentimentality. Increase our determination to make it so, and to that end use us as peacemakers.

In Jesus’ name,
