A New Baby Donkey at Soma Ranch!

We have a baby donkey at Soma Ranch!  

Of all the donkeys born at Soma, this fella is by far the most spirited one we've met. 

He was born on the day my dear friend Constance died. I immediately I thought "Ha! we'll call the donkey Constance"!  I then discovered the donkey was a boy and could hear Constance exclaiming  "you can't call a boy donkey Constance!".

After consulting Constance's daughters they have named the donkey, and I think it's a fabulous, creative solution.

Please welcome Mr. Conrad Henry, the most spritely donkey ever to be born at Soma Ranch!

All our donkeys have been rescued at Soma Ranch. i.e. we've not gone looking for them, and none of them have been bought. Most often we've received the request to take in a donkey when the previous owner falls on difficult financial times and/or they no longer have grass due to lack of water.

We keep our male donkey in a separate pasture, with a neutered male donkey to keep him company. (donkeys get depressed when left alone). 2 summers ago Nibbler (our boy donkey) did an impressive "limbo" under his fence AND under the fence into the main field, where all the girls hang.  We herded him back pretty fast, however he was able to get Sarah pregnant in record time!

BTW all visitors are welcome to go home with a free donkey. We prefer you take 2 at a time ;-) We love our donkeys, we have plenty and are most happy to share.