Hybrid Nia Classes at Soma

During our recent Nia Blue Belt training, Helen began to offer “hybrid” classes. This is where folks, from around the world, come to class via zoom and get to meet and see local participants dancing in the studio.

We set this up with 2 web cams so that, before and after the class the participants in the room can circle up near the big screen TV and chat/connect with the folks in the zoom room screen. During class we have another web cam set up on a camera stand close the front row, over Helen’s right shoulder. This position allows participants on zoom to both see Helen’s front image (what they are used to) through the mirror, and then also her back view (that is more like the experience when taking an IN PERSON class.

Feedback was great. What we didn’t anticipate is how zoom participants felt fully immersed in the experience

I had moments where I felt like I was back taking the class LIVE at Soma Ranch

And also how providing the choice of 2 images (front in the mirror, back through the camera) plus people in the room dancing around gives the ZOOM participants a fully experience and view.

I received a full 360 degree experience, the details of your movements were much clearer and I appreciated getting to see the front, back and side view of your moves all at the same time!

Mark June 6, 3pm in your calendar! this is the date we have an appointment for the fast internet tech from Mid South Electric to come out and wire the studio up with lightening fast internet. Our experience worked and, once the fast internet is in, our streaming experience is going to be “off the charts”.

Once we’ve figured out where the cameras need to be we will be installing them from the ceiling so they are even less intrusive to participants taking the class in person. AND this will be a permanent fixture/set up = no more spaghetti of cables for Helen to manage daily!

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