Celebrating Alan Davidson

In celebration of a dear friend Alan Davidson who left this world suddenly 3 years ago (and IMHO too soon), we will be dancing to one of his most favorite experiences tomorrow, Thursday morning at 10am Central....

"Fabulous" a moving experience to the best of Donna Summer. Get your disco on, be prepared to sparkle, dressing up is encouraged.

Whether you come in person to Soma Ranch or join us online via Zoom.... We'd love to dance with you, celebrate the day in a big way, and for those who knew Alan Davidson a fabulous way to celebrate the one, the only, the most amazingly fabulous Big Al.

FYI 10am doesn't work, let me know, there will be a 24HR replay available.

β€œHe was humorous, speaking truth in a lighthearted way. He was a visionary, but entirely without ego. He was generous, but without intent or expectation.”
— Helen Terry