Soma News

Art of Sensation Nia White Belt retreat with Geri Timmins, Congratulations Geri, Nia White Belt Graduates and community…


Joe is taking care of some very special guests at Soma Ranch, while Helen is on her way back from the UK today. She’s completed a Nia Art of Sensation Nia White Belt Retreat training with Geri Timmins in the beautiful Cotswold Countryside. Congratulations Geri on your “first voyage” as a Nia Trainer, this was a spectacular week with wonderful reconnections and new beginnings.

Congratulations also to Nia White Belt Graduates Justine and Katherine

Thank you team for leading fabulous classes while Helen was absent. Big shout out to Erin who is debuting a fabulous “back to front” experience this Saturday morning classes via ZOOM she’s taken the Nia Joy routine playlist, put all the songs in reverse and has created a fabulous experience. A fantastic way to celebrate ending our month of Variety!

Our Soma Ranch EASE (Embodied Authentic Solar Eclipse) Retreat will be next week, these days we often receive a tumble of cancellations before a retreat, good news for you is there are some excellent last minute opportunities waiting for you. Click here for more information.

Now is a fabulous time to consider our next 30 day Movement challenge, remember, when you sign up by the 28th of March you can bring a friend for free! (and, as today is the 29th we have extended the deadline to midnight tonight!

Be well, with love from

Helen, Joe, the team and all the fond 4 legged friends at Soma.