Nia White Belt Trainer in Training ~ Kellie

Hello!  I am Kellie Chambers

I was born in Mesa, Arizona but grew up in Oregon.  Presently, I live in Pleasant Hill, Oregon where I own a studio called Just Move.  I am a 2nd Degree Nia Black Belt Instructor and a 3NGT Trainer in Training.  I will be participating as a student and taking notes to prepare to deliver White Belts Intensives in the future.  Helen is my good friend and mentor and I delight in the in-person training experience.  I am very much looking forward to joining you in Beginner's Mind!

I am a mother of three grown daughters and a grandmother of 4 beautiful cherubs all under the age of 4 who much to my delight live near me.  My dog thinks she is my 4th child.  I love Nia and I love Soma Ranch! We are going to have a great week together!