Experience: Dark Side of the Moon with Wizard of Oz

DSOTM thread.jpg

A fabulous movement experience, set to the music of Pink Floyd, accompanied by visual stimuli of the classic Wizard of Oz motion picture. The most requested event Helen offers. 

  • Focus: Music, Movement, Magic

  • Intent: increase our level of magic and pleasure in movement.

Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon experience is an opportunity to be part of the “art in motion”. A delightful shared experience with other movers and groovers. 

“I consider myself an artist with Nia inspired moves as my “medium”. The Wizard of Oz movie plays on the big screen as we dance to Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon. It’s a truly magical, multi-media feast. You’re invited to be part of a community collaborative experience.”

  • Explore how to listen to music more intimately and experience ways to deeply connect our movements to it. 

  • Receive “toys” to help you hear more details in the music and open up to more choices in Freedance. 

  • Envelop yourself in a unique, truly magical experience


Information about the interesting synchronicity between DSOTM and Oz!

  1. Begin playing your version of the Wizard of Oz and be ready to start the album. Begin play on Dark Side of the Moon as soon as the lion on the MGM opening begins its roar for the third time.

  2. Notice Roger Waters singing “balanced on the biggest wave” as Dorothy is balancing on the farm’s fence at her Kansas home.

  3. Listen to the chimes and bells begin on the album when the Wicked Witch appears for the first time.

  4. Notice “The Great Gig in the Sky” song begin to escalate as the tornado hits Dorothy’s house. Likewise, the music calms down as the scene does, when the house lands.

  5. Watch as side one of the original vinyl album ends as soon as the movie changes to color when the Good Witch of the North appears. Also the first song on Side B is Money (color of ...)

  6. Notice the song “Brain Damage” plays as the Scarecrow sings “If I Only Had a Brain,” and the album ends with a heartbeat as Dorothy is feeling for the Tin Man’s heart.

  7. Read more: How to Watch Wizard of Oz with Pink Floyd | eHow.com (it even provides suggested snacks and crafts to create to enhance your Wiz Oz experience! 

This is part of a series of descriptions about movement experiences Helen Terry provides. For more information email Helen@SomaRanch.com.

Run 2017 in 2017

I experienced many wonderful moments, and incredible learning experiences, from running 2016 miles in 2016. I was deeply touched how Dee and Kathy from Dallas/FW chose to drive down, simply to see me cross the finish line! They strung up a banner that said "I ran 2016 miles".  Joe and Liliana surprised me with a home made ribbon to run through AND fireworks! I've not received many awards in my life, receiving the 2016 mile medal from Liliana, my daughter, was an honor!

Coming up the Soma Ranch drive way at the end of the year, completing my 2016 miles, felt wonderful, I was filled with the pleasure of celebrating what a fabulous place we've manifested, how dreams come true, how we can share the joys with others and celebrate friendships and fun created. Truly feeling blessed was a great way to end the year.

I’m committing to run 2017 miles this year! yay! This requires an average of 5.526 miles every day for 365 days (miss a day and I have to run 11 miles to keep up the next day). Put another way that’s 38.68 miles a week, about 1.5 marathons a week and the equivalence of 77 marathons in the year!

Want a fabulous health & wellness kick start to 2017?

Nia White Belt 7 day course begins this Thursday, Jan 5. Would you like to dive in? 

The Nia White Belt Training is the first level of a five-belt training series that presents a body-centered approach to health, wellness and fitness. Those who choose to pursue the path of personal enrichment use this training as a starting point for becoming a master student. If you have a desire to share Nia in a professional capacity, the White Belt Training is your entryway into teaching.

You are invited to choose from:

  • attend the course, $1599

  • revisit the training, $424

  • retreat for the week, $424

  • relax with an overnight stay, $105

  • enjoy the treat of a day retreat $25

  • pop in for a class! $15

2016 miles in 2016

I'm ready with hat, shirt and medal!

At the beginning of 2016 I played with "what if I set the goal to run 2016 miles in 2016"...  I calculated this required an average of 5.51 miles a day. Jan 1 I decided to see if I could do 5.5 miles. I loved reaching the goal of "today I've run what I'd need as a daily quota to achieve 2016 miles this year". I was inspired to set the goal to run 5.5 miles every day for a week. My 7 day achievement spurred me to go for a month. New challenges (like travel, Nia training days, and the need to take a day off!) required more organizing, calculating and scheduling. I'd play with investing in a couple of longer runs to allow me to have a day off!

I soon realized when I missed ONE DAY, if I wanted to keep up I had to do 11+ miles the next day! I found a route at home that was 6 miles and another that was 8.5. miles. 6 mile daily run became my "usual" routine, I began to learn how "saving" a little each day helped build up my total (for example when I did 6.5 miles for 6 days, I had banked 5 extra miles and could then peacefully take a day off without the dread of "oh my! now I have to do 11 to keep up").

During the summer I travelled, taught and trained in Sweden, Hungary and Finland, I missed a day with travel, caught up great with some long early morning runs in Budapest (before long white belt days), only to experience "the great fall of 2016" at the end of a run. I missed running for 3 days in a row (deficit of 16.5 miles). Arriving late in Finland the next day I had a bus to catch at 1pm to take me to Kuoppio to begin another Nia white belt at 7:30pm that evening. The only time I had to run was in the morning, I chose to not set my alarm, to wake up naturally and if it was meant to be I would do a 9 mile run, (realizing I'd have to run 9 miles everyday for weeks to catch up on my deficit!) I woke up the next morning and EVERYTHING was working, I felt refreshed, with crisp, sunny yet cool weather, the air was clean and fresh, barely anyone out. I ran around a lake, all the way into the local town, loving the scenery. Everything was working well, before I knew it I was at 9 miles, hmmm... how about I go a little further, then at 10, I realized a half marathon was "only" 13.1 miles.... inspired I pushed through and completed 14+ miles.  

And so it was, for the rest of the year I'd get up each day, plan as best I could, have things happen, like guests changing/postponing/delaying at the ranch, unexpected weather, feeling unwell even injuring my toe by dropping mug on it! There were a couple of times when I thought I'd lost, the deficit of miles seemed so vast I couldn't see how I'd catch up.

I found tracking my runs on MapMyRun, posting them publicly, made me more accountable. Along the way some friends began giving me shout outs, encouraging notes, posts on Facebook. I was amazed at how this encouraged me to keep on keeping on. A lot of days I'd laugh when folks would share "you've got this Helen", as I'd think, they seem to have a lot more faith/belief in me than myself! In November, while sharing a Nia Week in Budapest with my parents, my "Amazing Math Wiz" Mum helped me create a spreadsheet with functions and "auto calculating" columns to summarize each of the remaining days: the total miles accrued, how many days left, and the required daily average to finish successfully by December 31.

Around this time a very dear friend (Bill Baun) died and I felt him spurring me on. Through my grief, I discovered how the long runs gave me relief. I also encountered strange moments where I could hear Bill's scratchy voice saying "look up Helen, you got this" - I'd look up and see an eagle, sunshine through the trees or some other "all inspiring nature" image. In December 2 friends from the Dallas/FortWorth area (Dee and Kathy) shared they drive down to see the finish line! I was (and still am) amazed they'd travel so far, taking time out of their precious lives, simply to see me cross the finish line.

So here I am, tapping away to share my story, while watching the clock, fully aware I need to get a run in before the sun goes down and a 5pm phone appointment "running on the edge" as usual. Today I need to do 6, to then bring my annual total to 2010 miles. Tomorrow I'm hoping for sunshine and perfect weather, and no matter what, I'm planning a 6 mile run, crossing the finish line at Soma Ranch. I'll share more later about what I've learned from setting such a far reaching goal that took me on a crazy journey of self discovery.

Summary: set goals, plan, be flexible and firm, be accountable, ask for help, share the need for and receive encouragement, small steps contribute to big things, believe in yourself and reach for your dreams, don't give up. I'm taking Dec 31 off and then yes.... I'm setting the goal to run 2017 in 2017. Would you like to be included in a motivational group? You could run/walk/ride 2017 solo, or "run the edge 2017" has a program that invites up to 4 folks run/walk 2017 miles as a team. I'd love you to be part of this. You won't be alone, we'll have fun, support each other, learn much and achieve greatness - how about it! Leave a comment below and I'll get back with you about details.

Helen retires as a Nia Trainer in 5 years

I want you to be one of the first to know that I plan to retire from being a Nia trainer in 5 years. Last time I checked, mortality had a 100% success rate LOL ;-) i.e. we are all going to die! In our mini world of Nia, we are all going to have our last training, our last class, our last song. Question is will this be of choice? Will we know the last one? 

Can these special last moments be consciously communicated and created? The answer is "Yes!" and, as best as I can, I want to consciously craft my exit as a trainer, with joy, success, abundance, gratitude, inclusion, community, ease, pleasure and a boat load of fun!

The next five years hold momentous milestones for me and us, 

Let's celebrate: 

  • 2017 - 20 years as a Nia trainer
  • 2018 - 25 years as a Nia teacher
  • 2019 - We'll find something!
  • 2020 - 25 years NiaMoves Houston
  • 2021 - celebrate all the good times!

I feel excited, relieved and a tad apprehensive, to put into words and publicly share what is in my heart. From successfully selling the NiaMoves (studio, business and property) earlier this year and cultivating Soma Ranch as a stellar retreat/training facility, our future looks bright. My family is happy and healthy. We are ready for the next wave of possibilities.

I have a strong desire to retire from being a Nia trainer, grounded, relaxed, aware, centered, and energized. My 5 year notice feels like the most harmonious way to achieve this. I hope we'll have the opportunity to celebrate the journey together and I look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!

As I move beyond being a trainer, the possibilities of continuing to teach Nia, supporting and hopefully hosting other Nia trainers all feel good in my skin.

With love



Happy Natural Time New Year

I was first introduced to the concept of Natural Time 21 years ago, when attending my Nia Brown Belt. As a Christian I was a little suspicious at first, however I've now come to love how connecting with the Galactic Calendar brings me order, pleasure and peace in a world where I can so easily feel spun! 

Please join me for 2 fabulous events Saturday, July 23rd, at NiaMoves Houston, in celebration of this special time. New Calendars are in! and I'm super excited to share info about the calendar and how I apply it in my every day life to bring pleasure and ease.


Here's what Eden Sky shares

Greetings Tribe of Light ~ 

On The Galactic Calendar, we are entering into very powerful energies as we close one year and prepare to enter the next!


On July 21/White Rhythmic Wizard, we begin the "Vayeb" which is a 5-day purification cycle that always falls at the end of the Galactic Year. Use this time however you are intuitively guided to purify your inner and outer environment in preparation for the upcoming New Year. Its a good time to meditate, to listen to your heart, attune yourself in nature, clean, let go of things, to make amends and/or bring closure, to make space for the sacred... The 5-day purification culminates on July 25th which is always The Day out of Time!


The Day Out Of Time is celebrated in over 90 countries to honor: * Planetary Peace through Culture * Universal Forgiveness * "Time is Art!" * Atonement * Freeing of Debts * Purification * the Art of Peace * This is a day for sacred pause and celebration before the dawning of The Galactic New Year which is always July 26th! Regardless of your responsibilities on this day, please focus on "stopping business as usual" and explore even a little break from linear time. Tune in to the telepathic field as we collectively energize the Victory of Love!  We invite you to join the festivities and celebrate a Day Out Of Time in whatever ways you feel called - whether gathering with your community or simply observing the occasion with your intention. READ MORE: http://13moon.com/doot.htm


July 26th Launches us into the Galactic New Year of The Blue Spectral Storm! This day marks a powerful time of Renewal as we begin another 13-Moon Spiral around our Sun. Learn about the particular Galactic Frequencies & Potent Energies in store for us all ~ as together we are being catalyzed to embark on a whole new level of Awakening & Liberation. http://13moon.com/galactic-new-year.htm


We Thank You for Your Presence in this Natural Time Community, and We Wish You a Magical Galactic Holiday!

Blessings From Our Hearts To Yours,
Eden, Robert & Merlin Sky of SkyTime

Activate the Magic of Every Day with The Galactic Calendar!
*Time to Raise the Frequency on Planet Earth*


Public Classes Every Day at Soma Ranch 11am, July 8 - 13, 2016

You're invited to join us for Public Nia classes whenever we have a Nia training (which is about 8 weeks a year). This week (July 7 - 13)  is the NIa White Belt training.  When you attend public classes you'll get a taste of the course and have fun connecting with great movers from around the world!

Public Nia Classes, July 7 - 13:, Every day 6am & 11am !! 

Dark Side of the Moon Saturday, July 9, 8pm

"Funky" Nia  Monday, July 11, 5:45pm

$15 drop in or $40 for 4 classes.

Helen Sells NiaMoves Studio

On Monday I suddenly found myself on the verge of tears as I began to set the focus for class. It was a big deal when I realized I was stepping in as an employee rather than the employer of NiaMoves for the first time in 20 years!  I was super happy to have Kristie there, by my side in the circle, with her usual assuring, grounding smile. We've had a super partnership for 12 years. It's been a fun ride owning, then co owning NiaMoves with Kristie Bryant and now it's time for a new owner, Angela Mestre. Please join me for a special moment in time, my 8am Saturday Nia class followed by the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Saturday, April 9, 9-9:15am at NiaMoves,  508 Pecore St, Houston, TX 77009

Here's what was shared with the Nia Moves community.

Past, Present, Future

by Emily Brontë 

Tell me, tell me, smiling child, 
What the past is like to thee? 
An Autumn evening soft and mild
With a wind that sighs mournfully.' 

Tell me, what is the present hour? 
A green and flowery spray
Where a young bird sits gathering its power
To mount and fly away.' 

And what is the future, happy one? 
A sea beneath a cloudless sun ; 
A mighty, glorious, dazzling sea
Stretching into infinity.' 

Like this poem of past, present and future, NiaMoves has had a delightful journey so far. We've danced through some tough times AND yet we have become quite likely THE most successful Nia studio in the world. We have a fabulous program, a team of amazing desk guides + highly skilled teachers and a vibrantly awesome community. Kristie has been instrumental to all of this, devoting her time, energy, expertise, patience and so much more. It's time for Kristie to "fly" and reach new dreams, for her and her family, in Austin, It's time for Helen to "ground" at Soma Ranch, developing retreats and trainings. It's time for Angela to "dance in" leading NiaMoves to her next level of glory. The good news is all 3 of us are literally dazzling with how amazing it is we've been able to manifest a way for the studio and community to continue. And the future looks infinitely bright!

At NiaMoves, Angela is bringing new life, depth of knowledge and ideas. She balances this with a deep respect for what has already been created, a beautiful combination with great potential for future growth!  Helen is continuing to teach Nia classes and more. Kristie will be returning to offer workshops and special events. 

Helen and Kristie are stepping out from being business partners of NiaMoves in a most elegant way. We are thrilled and excited to explore our options beyond NiaMoves, while feeling deeply satisfied with what has been achieved. We joyfully recognize what we've helped create and how well the opportunity is being passed on. We thank YOU for all the great things you bring to NiaMoves, acknowledging how, without you, we would not be what we are today.

We hope the transition is as smooth and seamless as possible for you, our valued client and a friend who feels more like family ;-). The three of us (Helen, Kristie and Angela) are striving to provide you with the best. Please let us know how we may help more. 

Bob Holroyd comes to Nia Class

Do you sometimes feel like a fish swimming upstream? recently with buying a new computer, doing taxes and being in the process of selling the NiaMoves business, I've been having my moments. Then life happened!  I've been swirled and inspired into an upward spiral, in awe of how the flow of life, connection and synchronicity can come together with miraculous ease, for something magical to happen. For me I see this as an ever confirming moment of how there has to be a God! and I surrender, with abundant joy and deep gratitude, to the One with a master plan.

For the first time in 20+ years I decided to visit my Mum and Dad in the UK for a week, completely for a personal trip, i.e. not linked with a training or special event. A great way to enjoy Easter, celebrate my Mum's birthday and have a unique opportunity to simply BE with my parents!  With the intent to make transportation as easy as possible for Mum and Dad I focused on choosing the best flights and times. (driving in traffic on the M25 can be super stressful). I then remembered Jo Turner (Nia teacher) who, since her white belt in Norfolk several years ago, has repeatedly offered to pick me up and/or host me for an event, as she lives super close to Heathrow airport. Then POOF! what a great idea!  one email and we were booked; Jo picking me up, Mum and Dad arriving later with less stressed AND I have the extra joy of meeting Nia fans who take class with Jo!  


Next I get a curious email from Jo, "do you know the Nia routine U?....  there's a couple of songs from an musician called Bob Holroyd, he's a friend of mine and I was wonderful if we could invite Bob to see Nia to his music".  I LEAPED out of my seat, "Ha! there's another classic Nia routine (one of my favorites) called AO, originally created by Nia Co Founder, Carlos Aya Rosas. The entire playlist comes from "Different Space", an album by none other than… Bob Holroyd!!

And so it is - I will be teaching on Saturday with about 35 Nia dancers, to the music of Bob Holroyd and he will be participating with us! Some folks are bringing drums and instruments to join in the fun. This is turning out to be a most remarkable Nia class experience which came about with the most amazing ease. I feel like a happy salmon swimming along with the flow of the river, thoroughly enjoying the ride.

Mum and Dad plan to arrive for the class. They'll get to witness me teaching (which often brings my lovely Mum to tears) and maybe join in the dance. Beyond my wildest dreams I'll be meeting Bob and sharing how his music inspires me and so many folks around the world who love to dance to his amazing artistry.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Joe will be continuing to paint and repair ready for our next season of guests beginning in April. It's looks soOOOO good :-) We look forward to sharing the additions and improvements with you soon.

Class is Saturday March 25, 9:30am, details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1981846202041034

Listen to the music here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezv-lKQKQN8

For more information about Bob Holroyd visit  http://www.bobholroyd.com

A Different Space was Bob's third album, and the first on the US Six Degrees label. Released to critical acclaim it featured the cult classic African Drug. Previously remixed by pioneering DJs Coldcut, this version is actually Bob's own remix of the original track, which first appeared on Fluidity & Structure. Since the release of A Different Space, Bob's music has seen a surge of licencing which has seen tracks from the album appearing on at least 50 compilations including Ministry of Sounds Pure Global Chillout, Francois K's The Essential Mix, Coldcut'sJourneys by DJsBuddha Beats, and Claude Challe 's Sun. The track The Sheer Weight of Memory also appears in the Wayne Wang film The Centre of the World.

Save up to $150 when register early for Nia Trainings

Research shows it’s super healthy to sign up for something in advance and have something to look forward to. For us at Soma Ranch, having clients sign up in advance allows us to relax and prepare optimally for your stay ~ it’s big smiles all around :-) We are super excited for a limited time we are implementing a new structure for accommodation. An incentive program to thank you, with rewards, when you sign up in advance, bringing ease to the process.

Attend a Nia training at Soma Ranch & receive up to $150 in "past" "present" "future" vouchers:

Sign up 90+ days in advance receive

  • $50 off your accommodation,                                                 
  • $50 to spend at Soma Ranch during your stay *,
  • $50 towards your next visit at Soma Ranch **

Sign up 60+ days in advance receive

  • $50 to spend at Soma Ranch, 
  • $50 towards your next visit at Soma Ranch **

Sign up 30+ days in advance receive  

  • $50 towards your next visit at Soma Ranch **

* $50 "present" voucher may be used for clothes, snacks, books, kombuchas, gift cards and anything else you find for sale in the Soma Ranch Gift shop!

** $50 "future" voucher can be used for any training or retreat with Helen within 13 months of the initial Nia training.

These special rates apply to folks who pay the full $1599 price for their Nia training and cannot be combined with any other offer.
Email Helen to receive your special discount or call 832-567-4550 to enroll/find out more.

Expires December 31, 2016.

How we may serve you better? is there anything else we may do to help with regards Soma Ranch?

Positive people live up to 10 years longer!

I recently read "positive people live up to 10 years longer!" I trust those extra 10 years are full of joy, happiness & wonder!  This inspires me to be positive. I've noticed how easily I can initiate complaining about something or be sucked into someone else's negative spiraling story. My fun quest for 2016 is how quickly can I catch my habit and turn myself (or the other) around! I certainly feel better as I reflect on my decisions, at the end of the day, when my choices feel more positive than negative!

Check out: Create a positive contagious culture

And here's a great guide, by Anese Cavanaugh, to understanding this influence and showing up in a way that generates positive energy. When a leader creates this positive presence, everything changes. You can be that leader. You can be positively contagious: "For better or worse, your presence has impact. It is contagious." 

Show up, Set the Tone and Intentionally Create an Organization that Thrives


Full House!

Today we complete a Nia Blue Belt training at Soma Ranch with a "full" house. Folks stayed in the house, the dorm, the RV, our neighbors' cottage and White Eagle Lodge. It's a full house! Providing the course with full board accommodation for 16 people for 7 days.


Alanna Wilson, Squamish, BC, Canada
Alisa Spirit of the Wind, Austin, TX
Brooke Siglin, Spokane, WA
Dawn Min, Sudbury,MA
Joy Thompson, Tampa, FL
Judy Jorgensen, Liberty Lake, WA
Lila Haham, Austin, TX
Margaret Wittenberg, Fredericksburg, TX
Tippie Koenig, Morehead, KY
Sylvie De Wever, San Francisco, CA
Toni Tovaglia, Ashland, OR
Zack, San Francisco, CA


Kira Hower, Boston, MA
Jasmin Adams, New Zealand
Penny Adams, New Zealand
Tamara Sanderson, Pewee Valley, KY

Jungle Moon

My Nia “Jungle Moon” experience was received very well at the recent NiaYogaDans Festival.

Jungle Moon: Site of the Sacred Drum is the most powerful drum album ever created. It is a magical tapestry of rhythms and melodic drumming that will delight the hearts of everyone. You will want to dance in a trance when you hear the Cave Witch chant. This album is the ultimate house cleaning extravaganza. Read routine notes here.

This Week at the Ranch

Enjoy daily Nia classes at Soma Ranch during our Blue Belt Training

Drop in price $15 or pay $40 for 4 classes (cash or check at the door)

11am Saturday
11am Sunday
11am Monday
11am Tuesday
11am Wednesday

6pm Possible Teacher Jam (if participants decided they'd like to team teach a class)
Watch Facebook or email Helen if you want to know when!

Returning Blue Belts are invited to enjoy sessions during the Nia training.
Email helen@somaranch.com for a schedule.

Fabulous Review from AirBNB "be a rock star" listing

Terry Family Incentive
Terry Family Incentive

Thank you June Hattaway for your lovely review from staying at Soma Ranch. Helen’s only disappointment was how she was out of town and unable to meet you….. Looking forward to the next time…

“My arrival at Soma Ranch was met by Joe and Phelps who gave me the grand tour and an abundance of Texas hospitality. To say that this was a retreat fit for a rock star is an understatement. Soma ranch is a jewel of a place with all the peace, amenities and conveniences that anyone could possibly desire. I missed Helen as she was out of town but hope to meet her on my next stay. It was the perfect place to rest and recharge. The ranch is a wonderful country setting but it is close to shopping, antique merchants, and great dining. Soma Ranch was truly a memorable stay. Thank you Joe and Helen.”

click HERE to check out our AirBNB Listing


I'm Worth It! ~ Weekend Retreat

Retreat in a Swing The intention of the “I’m Worth It!” weekend retreat is create a vessel of sacred space so that you can take a breather (literally!) to get grounded, connect with others and most importantly, connect with yourself. What if you take some time to breathe in nature and focus on what matters to you? And while we are at it we might have just a little fun along the way and PLAY!

Click HERE more information and to download the flier.

Price includes lodging, food and materials

Dorm$450Sign up Now
Semi Private$550Sign up Now

Together through illuminating experiences we will learn to:

Build trust through connection and give ourselves permission to be MESSY! Imperfection is perfect and fun!
Have courageous conversations about our strengths and values to cultivate resilience to our inner and outer critics
Bolster our empathy channel, model compassion and practice vulnerability
Bring forward our creativity, tap into innovation and allow ourselves to show up in a powerful way

This weekend retreat will nurture your desire to play big and be brave. Being courageous and playing big while also being vulnerable allows us to lead more authentic and wholehearted lives. Grounded by a sense of purpose and guided by a resilient spirit we will be transformed as women and as leaders.

For more information contact Darla@coachdarla.com